Check Out Buhari's Plan Against Nigeria Weak Health System

President Muhammadu Buhari has planned to tackle the weak Nigeria health system through the deployment of intensive care units, isolation centre and standard laboratories.

According to the statement signed by the presidency spokesman, Femi Adesina, the health infrastructure will eventually be restructured for good of the people and to get the country ready for future emergencies.

It was also noted by the presidency that there is a global anxiety on what the future holds for human after the COVID-19 pandemic especially in respect of the economy, healthcare, job security and general wellbeing.

“Naturally, Nigerian are not immune from the disquietude as they belong to the global community,” the presidency said.

The following is a checklist of the measures that President Muhammadu Buhari has put in place, and will further take, to make life a better one for Nigerians.
  • An economic team headed by the Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning has been set up to look into the impact of COVID-19 in the economy.

  • Task force set up on the free movement of farm produce headed by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development.

  • Emphasis will also be placed on integrating local content in proven researches in the cure and production of materials in the health sector.

  • Residential Solar system will be installed with the utilization mainly of local materials.

  • The 2020-2022 Medium Term Expenditure Framework and the Budget 2020 assumptiona and targets have already been revised.

  • Expansion of the Social Investment Programme.

  • A financial sustainability plan to complement the suite of monetary and banking interventions recently announced by the Central Bank of Nigeria.
  • Plans afoot to tackle weak health system and infrastructure through the establishment of standard laboratories, intensive care units and isolation centres in all states of the Federation.

  • Agricultural programme will be put in place.

  • Test-sensitive expenditures are to be given priority over less critical spending.

  • There will also be an Economic Sustainability Committee headed by the Vice President to look into a post COVID-19 economy in Nigeria

  • Rural road construction programme.

  • Finally, financial controls are to be strengthened to detect, eliminate and sanction instances of waste, funds misappropriation and corruption.
Source: Channels Television
