The Number Of COVID-19 Cases in Lagos may rise to 120,000 by July — Prof. Akin Abayomi

Lagos State Commissioner for Health, Professor Akin Abayomi, said on Friday during a press that the state projects 120,000 casese of COVID-19 by July.

He had said this based on the government model following the reported cases recorded in one day.

On Thursday, 7th of May, the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control confirmed the the country's highest number of COVID-19 cases since the first day it was reported in the country on 27th of February, 2020 in one day which was 381, of which Lagos State had 183.

Professor Akin Abayomi also disclosed it that Lagos State is currently manufacturing sample collection kits and is working to get more test reagents.

He also noted that Hydroxychloroquine trials are likely to start in a week time.

Advise from me

With respect to the rapid increase of COVID-19 in the country, especially in Lagos State and the ease on the lockdown policy, I would like to urge the residents of the state to please always take all necessary measures to prevent themselves from this pandemic. Stay Safe! Stay Positive✌✌✌

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