Arithmetic Operators HackerRank



The provided code stub reads two integers from STDIN, a and b. Add code to print three lines where:

  1. The provided code stub reads two integers from STDIN,  and . Add code to print three lines where:
  2. The second line contains the difference of the two numbers (first – second).
  3. The third line contains the product of the two numbers.


a = 3

b = 5

Print the following:


Input Format

The first line contains the first integer, .
The second line contains the second integer, b.


1 ≤ a ≤ 1010

1 ≤ b ≤ 1010

Output Format

Print the three lines as explained above.

Sample Input 0


Sample Output 0


Explanation 0

3 + 2 ==> 5

3 – 2 ==> 1

3 * 2 ==> 6

Solution to HackerRank Arithemetic Operators In Python

In this problem, we are to print the sum, difference, and the product of the given two numbers on separate lines.

if __name__ == '__main__':    a = int(input())    b = int(input())    print(a + b)    print(a - b)    print(a * b)
