Find Angle MBC HackerRank Solution In Python


 ABC is a right triangle, 90o at B.
Therefore, ∠ABC = 90o.

Point  is the midpoint of hypotenuse AC.

You are given the lengths AB and BC.
Your task is to find ∠MBC (angle Θo, as shown in the figure) in degrees.

Input Format

The first line contains the length of side AB.
The second line contains the length of side BC.


  • 0 < AB ≤ 100
  • 0 < BC ≤ 100
  • Lenghts AB and BC are natural numbers.

Output Format

Output ∠MBC in degrees.

Note: Round the angle to the nearest integer.


If angle is 56.5000001°, then output 57°.
If angle is 56.5000000°, then output 57°.
If angle is 56.4999999°, then output 56°.

0 < Θo < 90o

Sample Input


Sample Output


Solution to HackerRank Find Angle MBC In Python

import mathab = int(input())bc = int(input())print(int(round(math.atan(ab/bc)*(180/3.142), 0)), u"\N{DEGREE SIGN}", sep='')
