Merge the Tools! HackerRank Solution In Python


Consider the following:

  • A string, s, of length n where s = c0c1…cn-1.
  • An integer, k, where k is a factor of n.

We can split s into n/k substrings where each subtring, ti, consists of a contiguous block of k characters in s. Then, use each ti to create string ui such that:

  • The characters in ui are a subsequence of the characters in ti.
  • Any repeat occurrence of a character is removed from the string such that each character in ui occurs exactly once. In other words, if the character at some index j in ti occurs at a previous index < j in ti, then do not include the character in string ui.

Given s and k, print n/k lines where each line i denotes string ui.



k = 3

There are three substrings of length 3 to consider: ‘AAA’, ‘BCA’ and ‘DDE’. The first substring is all ‘A’ characters, so u1 = ‘A’. The second substring has all distinct characters, so u2 = ‘BCA’. The third substring has 2 different characters, so u3 = ‘DE’. Note that a subsequence maintains the original order of characters encountered. The order of characters in each subsequence shown is important.

Function Description

Complete the merge_the_tools function in the editor below.

merge_the_tools has the following parameters:

  • string s: the string to analyze
  • int k: the size of substrings to analyze


Print each subsequence on a new line. There will be n/k of them. No return value is expected.

Input Format

The first line contains a single string, s.
The second line contains an integer, k, the length of each substring.


  • 1 ≤ n ≤ 104
  • 1 ≤ k ≤ n
  • It is guaranteed that n is a multiple of k.

Sample Input

STDIN       Function-----       --------AABCAAADA   s = 'AABCAAADA'3           k = 3

Sample Output



Split s into n/k = 9/3 = 3 equal parts of length k = 3. Convert each ti to ui by removing any subsequent occurrences of non-distinct characters in ti:

  1. t0 = “AAB” -> u0 = “AB”
  2. t1 = “CAA” -> u1 = “CA”
  3. t2 = “ADA” -> u2 = “AD”

Print each ui on a new line.

Solution to HackerRank Merge the Tools! In Python

import textwrapdef merge_the_tools(s, k):    # your code goes here    for i in textwrap.wrap(s, k):        l = list()        for j in i:            if not j in l:                l.extend(j)        print(''.join(l))if __name__ == '__main__':    string, k = input(), int(input())    merge_the_tools(string, k)
