Power - Mod Power HackerRank Solution In Python


So far, we have only heard of Python’s powers. Now, we will witness them!

Powers or exponents in Python can be calculated using the built-in power function. Call the power function ab as shown below:

>>> pow(a,b) 


>>> a**b

It’s also possible to calculate ab mod m.

>>> pow(a,b,m)

This is very helpful in computations where you have to print the resultant % mod.

Note: Here, a and b can be floats or negatives, but, if a third argument is present, b cannot be negative.

Note: Python has a math module that has its own pow(). It takes two arguments and returns a float. It is uncommon to use math.pow().


You are given three integers: ab, and m. Print two lines.
On the first line, print the result of pow(a,b). On the second line, print the result of pow(a,b,m).

Input Format

The first line contains , the second line contains b, and the third line contains m.


1 ≤ a ≤ 10

1 ≤ b ≤ 10

2 ≤ m ≤ 1000

Sample Input


Solution to HackerRank Power – Mod Power in Python

In this problem, we are given three numbers and are to print out the power of the first two on the first line, then the first output modulo of the third input.

Using the Python pow() function:

a = int(input())b = int(input())m = int(input())print(pow(a, b))print(pow(a, b, m))

Alternative Solution

Perhaps you forgot the function to use, here is an alternative solution.

a = int(input())b = int(input())m = int(input())print(a**b)print((a**b)% m)
