String Formatting HackerRank Solution In Python


Given an integer, n, print the following values for each integer  from 1 to n:

  1. Decimal
  2. Octal
  3. Hexadecimal (capitalized)
  4. Binary

Function Description

Complete the print_formatted function in the editor below.

print_formatted has the following parameters:

  • int number: the maximum value to print


The four values must be printed on a single line in the order specified above for each i from 1 to number. Each value should be space-padded to match the width of the binary value of number and the values should be separated by a single space.

Input Format

A single integer denoting n.


1 ≤ n ≤ 99

Sample Input

    1     1     1     1    2     2     2    10    3     3     3    11    4     4     4   100    5     5     5   101    6     6     6   110    7     7     7   111    8    10     8  1000    9    11     9  1001   10    12     A  1010   11    13     B  1011   12    14     C  1100   13    15     D  1101   14    16     E  1110   15    17     F  1111   16    20    10 10000   17    21    11 10001

Solution to HackerRank String Formating In Python

def print_formatted(num):    space = len("{0:b}".format(num))    for i in range(1, num + 1):        print(f"{i:{space}d} {i:{space}o} {i:{space}X} {i:{space}b}")if __name__ == '__main__':    n = int(input())    print_formatted(n)
