sWAP cASE HackerRank Solution In Python


You are given a string and your task is to swap cases. In other words, convert all lowercase letters to uppercase letters and vice versa.

For Example:
Www.HackerRank.com → wWW.hACKERrANK.COMPythonist 2 → pYTHONIST 2  

Function Description

Complete the swap_case function in the editor below.

swap_case has the following parameters:

  • string s: the string to modify
  • string: the modified string

Input Format

A single line containing a string s.


0 ≤ len(s) ≤ 1000

Sample Input 0

HackerRank.com presents "Pythonist 2".

Sample Output 0


Solution to HackerRank sWAP cASE In Python3

In this problem, we are to convert all uppercase letters to lowercase and vice versa.

case swap hackerrank solution
def swap_case(s):    inverse_list = list()    for x in s:        if x.isupper():            x = x.lower()        else:            x = x.upper()        inverse_list.insert(len(s) -1, x)    return ''.join(inverse_list)if __name__ == '__main__':    s = input()    result = swap_case(s)    print(result)

Alternative Method

The alternative method for solving this problem is by using the swapcase() built-in function.

if __name__ == '__main__':    s = input()    print(s.swapcase())
