No Idea! HackerRank Solution In Python


There is an array of n integers. There are also 2 disjoint sets,  and , each containing m integers. You like all the integers in set A and dislike all the integers in set B. Your initial happiness is 0. For each  integer in the array, if i ∈ A, you add  to your happiness. If i ∈ B, you add -1 to your happiness. Otherwise, your happiness does not change. Output your final happiness at the end.

Note: Since A and B are sets, they have no repeated elements. However, the array might contain duplicate elements.


1 ≤ n ≤ 105

1 ≤ m ≤ 105

1 ≤ Any integer in the input ≤ 109

Input Format

The first line contains integers n and m separated by a space.
The second line contains n integers, the elements of the array.
The third and fourth lines contain  integers, A and B, respectively.

Output Format

Output a single integer, your total happiness.

Sample Input

3 21 5 33 15 7

Sample Output



You gain 1 unit of happiness for elements 3 and 1 in set A. You lose 1 unit for 5 in set B. The element 7 in set B does not exist in the array so it is not included in the calculation.

Hence, the total happiness is 2 – 1 = 1

Solution – No Idea! In Python3 | HackerRank

m, n = list(map(int, input().split()))i = list(map(int, input().split()))a = set(list(map(int, input().split())))b = set(list(map(int, input().split())))happiness = 0for i in i:    if i in a:        happiness += 1    if i in b:        happiness -= 1        print(happiness)
