Word Order HackerRank Solution In Python


You are given n words. Some words may repeat. For each word, output its number of occurrences. The output order should correspond with the input order of appearance of the word. See the sample input/output for clarification.

Note: Each input line ends with a “\n” character.


1 ≤ n≤ 105

The sum of the lengths of all the words do not exceed 105
All the words are composed of lowercase English letters only.

Input Format

Output 2 lines.
On the first line, output the number of distinct words from the input.
On the second line, output the number of occurrences for each distinct word according to their appearance in the input.

Sample Input


Sample Output

32 1 1


There are 3 distinct words. Here, “bcdef” appears twice in the input at the first and last positions. The other words appear once each. The order of the first appearances are “bcdef”“abcdefg” and “bcde” which corresponds to the output.

Solution – Word Order In Python | HackerRank

from collections import Counterlst = list()for _ in range(int(input())):    lst.append(input())    print(len(set(lst)))for i in Counter(lst).values():    print(i, end=' ')

NOTE: The problem solved above, Word Order, was generated by HackerRank and the solution was brought by the admin of  CodingSolutions for educational purpose. Got any issues with the code? Ask your questions in the comment box and I shall attend to it.
