Validating Roman Numerals HackerRank Solution In Python


You are given a string, and you have to validate whether it’s a valid Roman numeral. If it is valid, print True. Otherwise, print False. Try to create a regular expression for a valid Roman numeral.

Input Format

A single line of input containing a string of Roman characters.

Output Format

Output a single line containing True or False according to the instructions above.


The number will be between 1 and 3999 (both included).

Sample Input


Sample Output



Regular expressions are a key concept in any programming language. A quick explanation with Python examples is available here. You could also go through the link below to read more about regular expressions in Python.

Solution – HackerRank Validating Roman Numerals In Python

regex_pattern = r"M{0,3}(C[DM]|D?C{0,3})(X[LC]|L?X{0,3})(I[XV]|V?I{0,3})$"	# Do not delete 'r'.import reprint(str(bool(re.match(regex_pattern, input()))))

NOTE: The problem solved above, Validating Roman Numerals, was generated by HackerRank and the solution was brought by the admin of  CodingSolutions for educational purpose. Got any issues with the code? Ask your questions in the comment box and I shall attend to it.
