Coronavirus Herb Used in Madagascar Grows in Nigeria

The Minister of Health, Dr Osagie Ehanire said during the Presidential Task Force daily briefing on Monday, May 11 that the plant used in Madagascar to prepare herbal drug for Coronavirus also grows in Nigeria.

“We are going to get samples of thr herb of the botanical product for analyses and also probably use that opportunity to speak with the health authorities there, particularly, the scientific community, on how they use it,” he said.

“We will also give it to research community here with us to examine and see what they can do with it,” he added.

He also made known that the plant named Artemisia Annum, is grows here in Nigeria but the one over there ( in Madagascar), has to be collected to see if they are exactly the same or not. It will also be subjected to several analyses it work and how it works.

Before the medicine produced out of the drug could be given to anyone, it will be made sure it is safe and does it expected work.

However, President Muhammadu Buhari has instructed the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19 to self-proclaimed Madagascar remedy for Coronavirus.

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